Nitrogen Fertilizers and Plant Spacing in Organic Rice Cultivation: A Review (2025)

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ABSTRACT: Demand for rice as a source of food in Indonesia continues to increase in line with the growth of population, while the capacity to produce paddy rice increasingly limited. One of the efforts is to develop upland rice by utilizing the dry land with organic fertilizer application. The research was conducted in North Buton using split plot design. The main plot was the treatment of manure dosage consisting of 4 levels of treatment and the second factor of local upland rice cultivars as a subplot consisting of 22 cultivars. Production characters were observed and assessments are panicle length, grain number, number of grain content, wet grain weight, dried grain weight, grain weight per culm, and grain yield (t ha-1). The results showed that the yield potency of local upland rice cultivar in North Buton ranged from 3.11- 4.97 t ha-1 and the treatment of organic fertilizer can increase the yield components of upland rice.

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Organic farming is being promoted by advocates to sustain and improve soil fertility compared to conventional farming that uses inorganic fertilizers and pesticides. The study was conducted to determine the effect of pesticide and fertilizer management practices on grain and straw yields, yield components, and soil fertility of irrigated lowland rice. The experiment was conducted for three consecutive seasons (2009-2010) at Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines. It was laid out in a Split Plot design consisting of two main plots: with pesticides (M1) and without pesticides (M2), and four subplots: control (T1), organic fertilizer only (T2), inorganic fertilizer only (T3), and one-half (½) rate of inorganic plus ½ rate of organic fertilizers (T4), with four replications. Generally, pesticide application did not affect the yield and yield components. Plots applied with inorganic and one-half rate of combined organic and inorganic fertilizers had significantly higher grain yields than the control and organic only fertilizer treatments. Application of limiting nutrients through inorganic fertilizers helps to correct most of soil deficiencies such as phosphorus and sulfur compared to the use of organic fertilizer alone. Combining organic materials such as compost and rice straw with inorganic fertilizers at one-half rates is an effective strategy to attain yields comparable to pure inorganic application to sustain soil fertility.

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Growth and Yield of Organic Rice as Affected by Rice Straw and Organic Fertilizer

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The objectives of this research were to investigate the effect of rice straw management and the application of different types of organic fertilizer on the growth and yield of transplanted rice grown under rainfed conditions. The experiment was conducted in� a� farmer's� field� in� Khon� Kaen� province� in� 2009.� A� Randomized� Complete� Block� Design� was used with four replications. The treatments consisted of (1) rice straw incorporation into the soil, (2) rice straw combined with cattle manure, (3) rice straw combined with bio- extracted fertilizer and (4) rice straw combined with cattle manure and bio-extracted fertilizer. In the present experiment, the rice straw remaining in the paddy field was incorporated into soil after the rice harvest in April. Then the rice was transplanted in August. The amount of rice straw and cattle manure incorporated into the soil were about 5.1 and 9.4 tons/ha respectively, which provided N 129 kg/ha, P 41 kg/ha and K 382 kg/ha. A liquid bio...

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A field experiment was conducted during kharif season 2018 at the Research Farm of Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur (MP) to evaluate the “Effect of organic nutrient management on growth and yield attributes of different varieties of rice”. The experiment was laid out in RBD involving twelve rice varieties in triplicate. A uniform dose of organic manures i.e. 1/3rd Nitrogen through each of farm yard manure, neem cake and vermicompost were applied to all the varieties. Results of the study revealed that Pusa Sugandha 3 has recorded significantly higher growth parameters viz., plant height (69.80 cm), number of tillers per hill (13.53) and dry matter production per hill (43.39 g) among all the varieties. Among yield attributes significantly higher number of effective tillers per hill (11.40), total number of grains per panicle (164.67), panicle length (25.33 cm), grain yield (3298 kg ha-1) and straw yield (5463 kg ha-1) were recorded under Pusa Sugandha 3 variety of r...

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IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Efficiency of Production Factors and Constraints of Organic Rice Farming at Rainfed Rice Efficiency of Production Factors and Constraints of Organic Rice Farming at Rainfed Rice

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IOP Conference Series, 2020

This study aims to determine the efficiency of the use of production factors and the constraints of organic rice farmers in rainfed rice (whose irrigation depends only on rain). The research method used was a case study with 45 farmers as respondents. The level of efficiency of the use of production factors is calculated using Cobb Douglas method and the constraints in the implementation of organic rice farming are analyzed in a descriptive manner. The results showed: 1) Simultaneously, the factors of production used had a very significant influence on organic rice production. Partially, land production factors have a positive and very significant effect, while the factors of production of biological fertilizers and vegetable pesticides have a significant effect on organic rice production. Biological fertilizers are negative while plant-based pesticides are positive. Factors of production that do not significantly affect organic rice production are seeds, organic fertilizer, compound fertilizer, and labor. 2) Factors of land production and vegetable pesticides have not been efficient. While the factors of seed production, organic fertilizer / manure, liquid organic fertilizer, compound fertilizer, and inefficient labor production factors. 3) The major obstacle in the application of organic rice farming in the rainfed rice is the provision of production facilities, with a percentage of 37.80 percent, followed by the role of supporting institutions 34.52 percent.

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Yield of Organic Rice as Affected by Azolla and Biofertilizer Amendment to Rice Straw as Organic Fertilizer for Sustainable Lowland Rice Production

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International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Bioresearch, 2020

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Nitrogen Fertilizers and Plant Spacing in Organic Rice Cultivation: A Review (2025)
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Author: Dan Stracke

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Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.